Thursday, May 29, 2008


Honestly, my 30th birthday has barely come and gone, and I am getting wrinkles.  Not really "laugh lines" or "crows feet", but what I will call "autism mommy exhaustion circles".  I seem to be getting perma-lines from where I get bags under my eyes from lack of sleep or stress.  I really want to do something about them (I am afraid that they will get worse), but I don't have the money to go and try out different things that create promises of clear, wrinkle-free eyes.  Getting wrinkles is a part of getting older, and I am ok with that.  That being said, I am realizing how vain I am.  I find myself glancing in every "shiny" surface around our house, peering in hope that the lines have disappeared...they haven't.:(  

Matt says that he loves me, and doesn't care if I have wrinkles. (He is a wonderful man)  He thinks I need more sleep.  He is probably right, although I think that it is more a lack of quality sleep than the actual hours.  

Meanwhile, I will just do what they do on TV.  Cucumber slices.  Because instead of $50 for .2oz of a miracle, cucumbers are 3 for $1 at Food 4 Less. :)


SkinCareMom said...

Call me sweetie :) We will work something out ~~ I love you... wrinkles and all

rjconrad said...

let me know if you find something that works! :) i totally freaked after my 30th last year. i thought i would be fine, but then for a good few months i was obsessing over wrinkles and every new grey that i found. now i'm almost 31. not just turning 30, but officially 30 something. ugh.