Friday, September 21, 2007

Parker talking!! (video)

Here is some video of Parker talking. His vocabulary is still very small, but he has made some improvements. The *ready, set, DOOOOOOOOOOO* has taken 6 months of therapy to *sink in*, and finally after working with Alisha one day, something just clicked!

We are working on "No!". It is one of the first words that he is trying to mimic.
We are excited about his progress. Slow and steady wins the race, right?!;)


rjconrad said...

you're boys are the cutest! i love the video! parker is learning so many new things.

SkinCareMom said...

You have to know that I had tears running down my face watching this! He is adorable, and I could understand his speech!

Love you!
Auntie Jill:-)

5Crawfords said...

Go Parker Go! I love that boy! Can't wait to see you on Monday :) to play with Graysen.