Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank you

So, the Sampson crew had a great time at the Southern Oregon Autism Walk-A-Thon.  It was FREEZING, but it feels so good to be with other families that are in the same daily fight as you.  A special thank you to Michael and Katie, who came out to walk with us!  I am so grateful to each and every one of you that sent in your donations to Team Parker.  Because of your generosity, Team Parker came in 3rd place!  The first two places were won by organizations, not families so I am pretty impressed by all of you.
Thank you again.
PS- Parker may be sad in the first pic, but he quickly perked up when he noticed the grass had NUMBERS on it(see third pic).  He was happy as a clam walking the field, and counting the yard lines!;)

1 comment:

SkinCareMom said...

Congrats Emilie and Team! Are you still accepting donations???? I have some $$ in paypal to send you if so~~~ email me privately please!

Pics are great... and it is good to see the one of Michael and Katie also;)

Love you guys!